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Human Trafficking Victims’ Resources in Atlanta, GA

Protecting and Fighting for At-Risk People

At Bring Um Home, we believe it is our duty to look out for our community’s most vulnerable members. That’s why we accept donations from caring individuals and connect with human trafficking victims’ resources in Atlanta, GA. The abuse and exploitation of others for profit is a massive issue in our society, and our city has some of the highest rates of human trafficking in the country. Human trafficking won’t end overnight, but with the help and effort of community members, we can help to combat it and cultivate a safer, healthier, more just world for victims, our family, our friends, and our neighbors.

teen holding a sign that says I'm Not For Sale

Providing Victims With a Brighter Future

The fight to liberate victims from their abusers is hard but helping them adjust to society after they’ve been freed has its’ own set of challenges. Abusers and exploiters often take control over their victims’ entire lives, such as their finances and relationships. We help survivors successfully readjust and thrive by offering transformative services to get them back on their feet. We connect them with resources that teach them how to retake their finances, teach them trades and job skills, and generally reintegrate them back into society. Victims’ recovery continues long after they’ve escaped the clutches of human trafficking, so we’re here to make it easier and provide them with resources to help them along their journey.

Fighting to End Human Trafficking in Our State

I gotta dump trailer

A Proud Partner of I Gotta Dump

We are proud to offer and encourage support with I Gotta Dump, a local dump trailer business that shares our same passion and commitment to fighting human trafficking in our communities. I Gotta Dump is a pillar of the area. Together, we engage with community members and enable them to help by donating, learning about human trafficking prevention, and providing more awareness of the issue and how they can help.

Contact Us for More Information