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Fight Human Trafficking in Atlanta, GA

Abuse and exploitation are significant problems in our state. As home to one of the world’s busiest airports and an expansive interstate system, traffickers can move and smuggle other human beings easily. Bring Um Home cannot tolerate these heinous acts and take action by providing resources to fight human trafficking in Atlanta, GA and statewide. Trafficking affects thousands of people each year, including the victims’ friends and families. It is a relentlessly ruthless social ill, but we can work together to combat it and make our state safer for our friends, family, and community members.

a child looking out from the covered window

Our Mission Statement

Bringumhome Inc. is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do thru the ministry of Bringumhome is to help people anyway we can. We offer our services to anyone and everyone no matter what. Help and Serve all people if it in Kennesaw, GA or Atlanta, GA or if it here in the United States. Our Ministry is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We make sure our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and communities. Our teams are open for you to come serve beside us and with us or you can help with your donation.

a child's eye from a cell

No One Is Safe

One of the most troubling aspects of human trafficking is that it can happen to almost anyone. If a trafficker sees an opportunity to exploit or abuse another person for their gain, they will take it. Potential victims could include your family, friends, co-workers, and beyond. However, some factors make the likelihood of victimization increase. Most victims suffer from severe childhood trauma such as domestic abuse, abuse from a parent or guardian, substance abuse, or a loved one’s death. Many victims are homeless or runaway youths. Women have a higher risk of being trafficked. Read below to learn more about statistics on human trafficking in Georgia.

12-14 Years Old

Georgia's average human trafficking victim ranges from 12 to 14 years old.

200-375 Girls Sold

200 to 375 girls are sold or exploited on the market every month.

100 Girls Exploited

One hundred girls are exploited or taken advantage of every night in Georgia.

12,000 Abusers

An estimated 12,000 men in Georgia pay to abuse or exploit girls or partake in human trafficking.

4 Victims Per 100,000 People

Human trafficking is the third larget industry next to drugs and arms dealers.

7th Highest Trafficking Rate

Georgia has the 7th highest rate of human trafficking in the country.

Standing With Our Community

Human trafficking is a major issue that will only worsen if we ignore it. Your contributions to reducing and someday ending trafficking in our state can prevent future victimization and even save lives. Your donations will fund resources and programs dedicated to helping victims and their loved ones find a way out of trafficking and pave our state’s way to a brighter future.

Contact Us for More Information

Fighting to End Human Trafficking in Our State