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Donations for Trafficking Victims in Atlanta, GA

The trafficking trade doesn’t just impact the imprisoned individuals. It affects entire families and communities, spreading fear and heartbreak like a virus. But with your help, we can fight to end the social ill that is human trafficking. Bring Um Home facilitates donations for trafficking victims in Atlanta, GA. Whether you want to help rehouse a former victim or help them control their finances once again, we have an outlet for your generous donation. We thank you for your support and look forward to creating a brighter future for victims.

upset teen hugging her knees

Our Goals

When you donate to Bring Um Home, you can feel confident knowing that your every cent is going to the victims who’ve endured human trafficking trying to put their lives back together. Your donations help victims in almost every aspect of their lives, from housing to financial management. Donators feel good knowing their dollar is spent aiding those enduring unimaginable pain and suffering. Read below to learn about some of our goals for human trafficking victims.

Victim Housing

Your money will go towards building comfortable, affordable housing for former human trafficking victims and their families.

Victim Finances

Many human trafficking victims lack financial literacy because their captors used to control their money. We use donations to teach former victims financial responsibility, such as writing and balancing checks, budgeting, paying bills, and more.

Hope and Recovery

Victims and their families need as much love and support as possible. Your donation goes toward resources that help families find their lost loved ones, and it will help rescued victims recover their lives.

Are You Ready to Make a Difference?

Even the smallest monetary donation can make a life-changing difference in the lives of human trafficking victims and their families. With your support, we can expand our capabilities and provide everything victims need to gain health, happiness, and freedom.

A Note on Donations: All donations are final once we’ve received them. We will not issue any refunds or returns.

Contact Us for More Information

Fighting to End Human Trafficking in Our State